检索到 观音-十一面观音-虚空王菩萨(观音) 本尊2位
虚空王菩萨(观音)-Avalokita King of Space(Namka Gyalpo)

The origins of the Namka Gyalpo Tradition of Avalokiteshvara begin with the Tibetan King Songtsen Gampo in the 7th century. The physical appearance of Avalokiteshvara in this tradition is different than the appearance of Avalokiteshvara in the Bhikshuni Shri tradition. Namka Gyalpo has five tiers of stacked heads. In the lowest tier are three horizontal white faces. Above that are three horizontal yellow laughing faces. Above that are two wrathful red faces. Above that are two wrathful blue faces and finally a red face at the very top. There are ten principal hands rather than eight. There are One thousand and seventy hands in total. The hand attributes are different for the secondary and tertiary hands following the initial eight hands. The first group of hands represent the Dharmakaya, the second the Sambhogakaya and the third the Nirmanakaya.

虚空王菩萨(观音 十臂)