大红司命主 (又名战神)护法
Begtse Chen (Buddhist Protector)
关于大红司命主 (又名战神)护法


中文名称:大红司命主 (又名战神)护法

英文名称: Begtse Chen (Buddhist Protector)

尺幅:67.31x43.81cm (26.50x17.25in)




收藏:Rubin Museum of Art


年份:19世纪(1800 - 1899)


是否支持复刻: 支持


Begtse Chen, (English: the Great Coat of Mail. Sanskrit: Prana Atma), the main protector for the Hayagriva cycle of practice.At the lower right, in front of the lotus seat, is the consort Goddess of Life, with a red face, blue body and upward flowing brown hair. In the right hand held above is a gold sword and in the left extended outward a kila (Tib.: phur ba, Eng.: peg) dagger. As a mount she rides a brown bear. At the left side of the lotus is the son, Lord of Life, red in colour with one face and two hands. Dressed in similar attire to the father, he holds a spear in the right hand and a heart outstretched in the left, riding atop a wolf, dark blue in colour.At the top center is Guru Padmasambhava, the principal founder of Tibetan Buddhism, with the right hand placed at the heart holding a vajra and the left in the lap supporting a skullcup. A katvanga staff leans against the left shoulder. Attired in various ornaments and robes, he wears the red lotus hat; seated in vajra posture.Surrounding the central figure are 29 butcher daemons - forming the outer retinue, red in colour with one face and two hands. Holding various instruments, butcher knives and the like, they are engaged in the work of carving the flesh from corpses, dancing and cavorting in various postures.Within the Sarma Schools the practice of Begtse Chen, also known as red Mahakala, was popularized by Marpa Lotsawa and Sachen Kunga Nyingpo the respective early founders of Kagyu and Sakya; later the practice was taken up by the Gelugpa School.Lineage from India: Vajradhara, Mahadeva, Nyi Od Drakpa, Dawa Nagpo, Shridhara Krashu, Nyen Lotsawa Dharma Drag, Kha'u Chokyi Gyaltsen, Sachen Kunga Nyingpo (1092-1158), etc. Alternately from Nyen Lotsawa to Marpa Lotsawa Chokyi Lodro (1012-1099), etc.Jeff Watt 4-99
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