Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity) - with consort



英文名称: Vajrabhairava (Buddhist Deity) - with consort

尺幅:58.42x39.37cm (23x15.50in)




收藏:Rubin Museum of Art


年份:19世纪(1800 - 1899)


是否支持复刻: 支持


Vajrabhairava (Tibetan: dor je jig je. English: Vajra Terror) with the consort Vajra Vetali.At the upper right side is Chaturmukha Mahakala, black, standing, with four faces and four hands holding a curved knife and skullcup in the first pair and a sword and spear in the second pair; guardian of the Guhyasamaja Tantra. Below that is Begtse Chen, red, with one face and two hands holding a sword, heart and spear. To the left side is the wealth deity, White Mahakala, with one face and six hands. Below that is the Lokapala (Direction Guardian) Vaishravana, yellow in colour, with one face and two hands holding a banner and mongoose; riding a snow lion.At the bottom center is Shadbhuja Mahakala (the Great Black One with Six Hands), an emanation of Avalokiteshvara, black, wrathful and surrounded by flames. To the left is the special protector of the Vajra Bhairava Tantras, Yama Dharmaraja, black, with the head of a buffalo, holding a bone stick and lasso. Embraced by the consort Chamundi. They ride on the back of a blue buffalo; surrounded by flame. These last three deities were the special protectors of Tsongkapa and so became the main protectors for the Gelugpa School. To the right is Palden Magzor Gyalmo (the Glorious Goddess Queen of the weapon Army), black with one face and two hands holding a stick and skullcup, riding a white mule; wrathful Sarasvati.As a tutelary deity Vajra Bhairava, also known as Yamantaka, belongs to the Yamari class of tantras and specifically arises from the Bhairava Root Tantra (Tibetan: Jig je tsa gyu). All of those belong to the method (father) classification of Anuttaryoga Tantra. The practice of Bhairava is common to the three Sarma Schools: Sakya, Kagyu and Gelugpa. There are numerous forms and styles of practice from the very complex with numerous deities to the very concise with a single Heruka form. The main lineages to enter Tibet were those of Jowo Atisha, Rwa Lotsawa, Mal Lotsawa and the like.This form of Bhairava with the central faces placed 3 vertically and 3 faces to each side arranged horizontally is unique to the Gelugpa School and true to a visionary experience of Lord Tsongkapa the founder.Jeff Watt 7-98