英文名称: Tara (Buddhist Deity) - White
尺幅:68.58x49.53cm (27x19.50in)
收藏:Rubin Museum of Art
年份:18世纪(1700 - 1799)
是否支持复刻: 支持
White Tara (Tibetan: drol ma kar mo, English: Saviouress): Bestower of Long-Life.Below the rainbow sphere are three figures of Green Tara with the right hand in the mudra of generosity and the left holding a lotus flower; seated with the right legs extended. Below to the right and left are two forms of Vasudhara (Tib.: nor gyun ma), the goddess of wealth, yellow in colour. At the bottom center is the tutelary deity and protector, Hayagriva, red in colour, with three faces and six hands; surrounded by the flames of pristine awareness. Arranged in front are three skull bowls filled with wrathful offerings.Encircling the central Tara and filling all of the surrounding space are 100 small White Tara figures each in identical appearance. From the application of gold paint as an offering all the white Taras appear yellow in colour. Classified as Kriya Tantra and practiced in all traditions of Tibetan Buddhism she was popularized by Jowo Atisha, Nyen Lotsawa, Bari Lotsawa and Kashmiri Pandita Shakyashri.Jeff Watt 10-98