中文名称:勝樂金剛 (全图)
英文名称: Chakrasamvara (Buddhist Deity)
尺幅:91.44x68.58cm (36x27in)
收藏:Shelley & Donald Rubin
年份:17世纪(1600 - 1699)
是否支持复刻: 支持
Chakrasamvara (Tibetan: khor lo dem chog. English: the Wheel of Supreme Bliss) surrounded by a host of retinue figures and lineage lamas seated above.Tibetan: Khor lo dem chogAt the top center is the primordial Buddha Vajradhara with the mahasiddha Tilopa on the left and Naropa on the right. At the left side is Milarepa with the two students Rechungpa and Gampopa seated at the sides. At the top right side of the composition is Tsang Nyon Heruka with two students seated at the right and left sides.At the lower left is the mountain goddess Tseringma riding a white snow lion. Below that is an unidentified donor figure wearing monastic robes. At the bottom right is Panjara Mahakala according to the tradition of Nagarjuna and Ngogton.Jeff Watt 9-2000