Five Foremost Deities - Mo Lha



英文名称: Five Foremost Deities - Mo Lha

尺幅:33.02x23.50cm (13x9.25in)




收藏:Rubin Museum of Art


年份:19世纪(1800 - 1899)


是否支持复刻: 支持


Five Personal Gods of the Individual (Tibetan: go wai lha nga). It is believed that the Five Gods are born with and accompany each individual human on their life journey. The five live on the body at the crown of the head, heart, right armpit, left armpit, and right shoulder. They function as private Gods governing health, wealth, luck and good fortune for each person. This belief system is indigenous to Tibet, Mongolia and Central Asia and the Five Gods are tolerated in Buddhism and some small ritual offering texts can be found. The Bon religion presents a richer understanding of the Five Gods along with marriage ceremonies incorporating the Five as necessary elements.[Bottom right]. The Life God (srog lha) is in the aspect of a white middle-aged male wearing armor and a helmet, holding a spear with silk streamers and a lasso. A bow, arrow and knife are bound at the waist; riding a swift black horse, emanating forth many white men and horses. The male deities are wearing silks and adorned with jewel ornaments.[Bottom left]. The Male God (po lha) has a body white in colour, youthful, with flowing silks, holding a bucket filled with precious gems, wearing a blue cloak and adorned with jewels and a silk turban; riding an excellent white horse. Emanating forth the father's brothers, paternal ancestor deities and the thirty deities of fate; wearing silk clothing and adorned with jewels.[Top left]. The Regional God (yul lha) is white, holding an arrow and bow, wearing armor and a helmet; riding an excellent white horse. Emanating forth religious brothers, village headmen, many white yaks and flocks of sheep, fortress deities, guardians of the house and land, wearing wonderful clothing.[Top right]. The Enemy God (dra lha) is holding a spear with silk streamers and a lasso, the head bound with silk, wearing an excellent cloak of white silk and jewel ornaments. A bow arrow and knife are bound at the waist; riding a swift white horse. Emanating forth spiritual friends and white men wearing armor, and many birds, wolves and wild yaks." (From the text: 'go ba'i lha lnga'i gsol mchod phan bde'i 'dod 'jo written by Tukwan Lobzang Chokyi Nyima, 1737-1802. Bibliographic record. Tibetan text source).At the top center is the wrathful bodhisattva Vajrapani, blue, holding a vajra and lasso.At the bottom center are the Eight Auspicious Symbols arranged together into one symbol with the parasol at the top, the wheel and endless knot in the middle, and the lotus at the bottom.