英文名称: Mahakala (Buddhist Protector) - Chaturbhuja (Four-hands)
尺幅:40.64x36.83cm (16x14.50in)
收藏:Rubin Museum of Art
年份:14世纪(1300 - 1399)
是否支持复刻: 支持
Chaturbhuja Mahakala (Tibetan: gon po chag shi pa. English: the Great Lord with Four Hands): wrathful protector of Buddhism."From a red-black mandala of fire, Above a lotus, sun, moon and corpse, With one face and four hands, seated in a relaxed posture: Homage to the Great Black One." (Nyingma liturgical verse).Arranged in horizontal rows are various symbols and special offerings. The top row is composed of banners and canopies. The 2nd row comprises mythical creatures such as snow lions and dragons, and the 3rd prized black horses. The middle rows are made up of wild and ferocious animals, black birds at the outside - the messengers of the protector, and savage men. Black yaks, mules and dogs occupy the 3 lower rows. Along the bottom are arranged the special weapons, garments and standards of Mahakala.As a wrathful form of enlightenment, a wisdom deity and buddha, he appears as a protector for Vajrayana Buddhism. There are many forms of this particular Mahakala in both Nyingma and Sarma traditions. The pandita and mahasiddha Nagarjuna originally popularized the practice. In the Sarma Schools Chaturbhuja is strongly related to the Chakrasamvara cycle of Tantras.
Jeff Watt 8-99