Tara (Buddhist Deity) - Green



英文名称: Tara (Buddhist Deity) - Green

尺幅:67.31x54.61cm (26.50x21.50in)



收藏:Rubin Museum of Art


年份:18世纪(1700 - 1799)


是否支持复刻: 支持


收录于《World of Transformation》37,藏东,19世纪上半叶,P205


The Bodhisattva Tara (Tibetan: drol ma), Saviouress from the Eight Fears.At the top center sits the Buddha Amitabha with the hands in the mudra of meditation; surrounded by rainbow tethers. At the left sits Tara protecting from the danger and fear of lions (2). Below that, Tara sits above a thick rain cloud and with the right hand holding a vase she pours abundant water, upon a dwelling and it???s petitioning inhabitants, to remove the danger and fear of fire (3). At the lower left, standing tall before a grove of trees Tara protects a laywoman from the danger and fear of a large snake (4). At the top right, Tara protects a layman from the danger and fear of a rampaging elephant (5). Below that, she protects a lone traveler form the danger and fear of two marauding thieves on horseback (6). And below that, she protects a fervent petitioner from the danger and fear of imprisonment from unjust rulers (7). At the bottom center a seated Tara, beside a cluster of wishing jewels and precious objects, protects a lay couple from the attack of a red daemonic ghost with arms outstretched and small outstretched wings (8).Tara is a completely enlightened buddha who had previously promised to appear, after enlightenment, in the form of a female bodhisattva and goddess for the benefit of all beings. Practiced in all Schools of Tibetan Buddhism her various forms are found in all classes of tantra - Nyingma and Sarma. Her 10 syllable mantra and the short tantra known as the 'Twenty-One Praises of Tara' spoken by the buddha Samantabhadra are memorized and popularly recited by all Tibetans from the time of childhood. Her primary activity is to protect from the 8 and 16 fears. These eight; water, lions, fire, snakes, elephants, thieves, imprisonment and ghosts, are meant both literally and metaphorically with deeper meanings for each.Jeff Watt 9-98