英文名称: Hayagriva (Buddhist Deity) - Heruka (Eight Pronouncements)
尺幅:69.85x48.26cm (27.50x19in)
收藏:Rubin Museum of Art
年份:18世纪(1700 - 1799)
是否支持复刻: 支持
Hayagriva, Heruka (Tibetan: tam drin, drag tung. English: Horse Neck): from the Eight Sadhana Sections of Mahayoga Tantra of the Nyingma School.At the bottom left is Shadbhuja Mahakala, black, with one face and six hands. Below is Kshetrapala, blue-black, with one face and two hands holding a curved knife and skullcup, riding a black bear. He is the main attendant to Shadbhuja. In the middle is Yama Dharmaraja with a buffalo head and two hands, riding atop a buffalo. Below is the protector of the northern direction, Vaishravana, with one face and two hands holding a victory banner and a mongoose, riding a white snow lion. At the right is Magzor Gyalmo holding a club in the right hand and a skullcup in the left, riding a mule. Below is Begtse Chen, red in colour, holding a sword, heart and spear, accompanied by his consort and son. All of the protectors are surrounded by the flames of wisdom fire.Arising from the Mahayoga division of the Inner Tantras, Hayagriva belongs to the set known as the Eight Sadhana Sections. From the two types of Buddhist teaching transmission, Transmitted Precepts and Revealed Treasure (terma), this form of Hayagriva belongs to the latter. Both forms were received, discovered and taught by Arya Nagarjuna. The Terma text was procured from a copper casket in the Shankarakuta stupa at the charnel ground of Sitavana near the present day Bodhgaya in Northern India.Jeff Watt 10-98