Gampopa Sonam Rinchen, 1079-1153, (sgam po pa bsod nam rin chen. Name Variants: Da'o Shonnu; Dagpo Lhaje Sonam Rinchen; Dharma Drag; Sonam Rinchen), also commonly known as Dagpo Lhaje (dwags po lha rje) was born in 1079 in the Nyal valley, in a place called Budnyi Chedrag Serlung (gnyal bud nyi'i bye brag ser lung). His father's name is recorded as Lhaje Utso Gabar Gyalpo (lha rje dbu gtso dga' 'bar rgyal po), Utso Gyalbar (u tsho rgyal 'bar), or Nyiwa Gyalpo (snyi ba rgyal po), the third name making reference to the name of his family, Nyiwa (snyi ba). His mother was called Shomo Zachecham (sho mo gza' che lcam) or Demchogcham (bde mchog lcam). His birthname is recorded as Kunga Nyingpo (kun dga' snying po), Nyiwa Kunga (snyi ba kun dga') or Darmadrag (dar ma grags). He studied medicine as a youth, married a daughter of a man named Chim Jose Darma Wo (mchims jo sras dar ma 'od) and had a child, but they both died, causing him to renounce the householder's life...