大成就者 之 恩札布德(Indrabhuti):
生于,邬金国王。有一个7岁的妹妹,还有成群嫔妃。妹子等人从罗婆师接受噶当和教诫,精进修证。妹子16岁得到成就,穿百衲衣,后空行而逝。国王因想,妹妹此生终成大业, 我也要修法。把政权交给弟弟,在一座华屋中修炼,12年后得到大手印成就。侍从们不知详情,欲开门探个究竟,忽从空中有人喊道:“别开门,本人在此!”众人一看,见国王坐在半空,忙惊喜顶礼。国王在空中连坐7天,向王子和臣僚们宣说甚深正法。
以上摘自《藏传佛教神明图谱 福神》P173
《吉光集•因扎菩提王的入海寻宝》 本文来自郝文鑫先生(文殊金刚)的公众号:图像金刚乘教法史(或朋友圈)。
Indrabhuti: the Enlightened Siddha King
The land of Oddiyana was divided into two kingdoms. The kingdom of Lankapuri was Brahmin and ruled by king Jalendra and the kingdom of Sambhola was Buddhist and ruled by king Indrabhuti.
Indrabhuti had a young sister named Lakshminkara of whom king Jalendra wanted his son to marry. Although the countries had religious differences, Indrabhuti agreed that when Lakshminkara was of age, she would move to Lankapuri to marry the prince. While Lakshminkara was still growing up in Sambhola she received religious teachings from the Guru Lawapa and began to practice diligently. When she was sixteen she finally traveled to Lankapuri to be wed but when she arrived, she became full of sadness and loathing for the world. She decided to flee and entered a cave where she continued to practice her meditations and achieved a level of success. She became a teacher of outcastes and eventually entered the Dakini's paradise.
When Indrabhuti finally heard what his sister had been doing he was very impressed and inspired. He decided to abdicate his throne to his son and enter a solitary retreat in a small palace where he practiced for twelve years.
One day his son, along with a full court, went to visit him and when they arrived and were about to open the door and enter his palace they heard a voice coming from the sky. Indrabhuti was sitting on a throne in the sky. He remained there for seven days where he gave teachings to his son and the royal