检索到 护法-世间护法-赞神-铠甲护法(Dorje Setrab) 本尊2位
铠甲护法,藏文称作bse khrab,意思是“漆皮铠甲”,由于这尊护法身着漆皮铠甲而得名。铠甲护法的图像起源于印度还是西藏本土并不清楚,身色红色,骑于马背,面部有三眼,右手持杖,左手施期克印并持套索,是恐吓敌人之姿态。戴头盔,顶端有宝幢和旗装饰。左肘处夹持一支红色长枪,在很多铠甲护法的图像中,长枪经常被省略不描绘。铠甲护法曾经作为桑浦寺的守护神而被尊崇。桑浦寺于1073年,由噶当派高僧俄勒贝喜饶(rNgog legs pa'i shesrab)创建,位于今天的堆龙德庆县境内,最初名为桑浦乃托寺(gsang phu ne'u thog),后简称桑浦寺,以弘扬藏传佛教因明学及佛经辩论而著称于整个藏传佛教教育界。15世纪随着格鲁派的兴盛,西藏的佛教学闻中心逐渐从桑浦寺转移到了格鲁派的甘丹寺、哲蚌寺、色拉寺和宇L什伦布寺。桑浦寺后被格鲁派吸收,铠甲护法也在格鲁派中流行。


以上摘自《唐卡中的金刚 空行 护法》P260
Dorje Setrab: said to be a worldly deity brought from India to Tibet by Ngog Legpai Sherab. It is also possible that Setrab is an indigenous daemon, spirit, local god of Tibet, subjugated by Padmasambhava and appointed as a guardian of the Buddhist religion. Again, Setrab is believed by some to be an emanation of Amitabha Buddha and the wrathful form of Shangpa Karpo (the white Brahma).

Dorje Setrab is claimed as the special protector of Sangpu Neutog Monastery of the early Kadam Tradition founded by Dromton. Sangpu Neutog Monastery (gsang phu ne'u thog) was founded by Ngog Legpai Sherab in 1071/72. The Fifth Dalai Lama had some interesting thoughts on the identity, literature and cult of Setrab with regard to Sangphu (see below).

At the Dragyab monastery of East Tibet Dorje Setrab is regarded as a special protector ranked among the wisdom protectors of Tantric Buddhism. Most other traditions of Tibet rank Setrab as a worldly protector.

Fearsome in appearance, red in colour, he holds upraised in the right hand a red stick topped with a skull. The left hand holds a lasso at the waist above a quiver of arrows and a bow in a leopard skin pouch. Seated atop a brown horse, he is completely surrounded by the burning flames of wisdom fire.

