大成就者达玛茹巴( Damarupa)是另一位大成就者坎哈巴( Kanha)的学生,而坎哈巴又师奉毗卢巴( Virupa)。他们都来自是印度佛教八十四大成就者,也是藏传佛教“道果”法的重要传承祖师。
The mahasiddha Damarupa (the Drummer) was a student of Kanha (the Black One) who in turn was a student of Virupa (Ugly One). Damarupa was famous for carrying a double sided hand drum where ever he went and is said to have visited the twenty-four sacred tantric power places and the thirty-four sacred grounds. He subdued a non-Buddhist King and stopped the sacrifice of animals in the kingdom. The king took up Buddhism, renounced his kingdom and practiced a path free from extremes and became known as Avadhutipa. As the mahasiddha Avadhutipa, the former king transmitted the Margapala (Path Together with the Result) teachings to the Pandita Gayadhara.