检索到 护法-护地主(Shingkyong Yab-Yum)-护地主佛母(Sengdongma) 本尊1位

Shingkyong Wangpo (Yab) is a male protector deity, wrathful in appearance, blue in colour, with a lion face. He wears a heavy black cloak and rides a black horse; often depicted with his consort companion Sengdongma in the same general appearance. Originating in the Nyingma tradition, Shingkyong can also be found in the iconography and art of the Karma Kagyu school. The Raudrantika class of Mahakala and the majority of figures described in that class are very similar in appearance to Shingkyong and therefore it is possible that he belongs to this classification.


护法-护地主(Shingkyong Yab-Yum)