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At the top left, in the southern direction, is Krodha Tara, wrathful, blue in colour, holding upraised a sword and riding a blue buffalo on the wind. At the right, in the western direction, is Powerful Tara, semi-wrathful, red, holding a hook and riding a red horse in fire. At the bottom left, in the eastern direction, is Shanti Tara, peaceful, white, holding a lotus blossom while riding a yellow duck on the water. At the right, in the northern direction, is Increasing Tara, peaceful, yellow riding a white elephant on the earth. These are the four main retinue figures from the mandala of 25 deities belonging to the Wisdom-mother Anuttarayoga classification of Tantra.

Krodha Tara
Powerful Tara
Shanti Tara
Increasing Tara