检索到 特殊形式-极乐净土-铜色山莲师净土 本尊3位
Somewhere off the coast of India there is a land know as Camara, possibly Sri Lanka, also known from ancient times as an island of demons. It is here that Padmasambhava is believed to reside and continue to teach the Dharma and make himself available to devotees - especially the 'Treasure Finders' of the Nyingma Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. In the middle of the island is the Copper Coloured Mountain where Padmasambhava holds court within a large three-storied palace.

The principal compositional elements of the paintings are the mountain and palace containing Padmasambhava located in the center of the canvas. The mountain is surrounded by water and the land below is inhabited by numerous demons - wild and fearsome looking beings. In the sky above are peaceful deities and goddesses. Sometimes there are groups of Buddhas located at the top center of the composition, such as the Buddhas of the Three Times, the Buddhas of the Five Families, or the Thirty-five Confession Buddhas. The third floor of the palace depicts Amitabha Buddha, the second floor Avalokiteshvara and on the ground floor Padmasambhava surrounded by his eight traditional forms relating to the chronology of his life story. The three figures of Amitabha, Avalokiteshvara and Padmasambhava form an important trinity in the Nyingma religious tradition of the 'Revealed Treasures' (terma). 

The real uniqueness of Copper Coloured Mountain paintings are found with the groups of deities and lineage teachers that immediately accompany Padmasambhava, in front and at the sides, located on the ground floor. These figures are not at all consistent from composition to composition. The surrounding figures change and are substituted depending first on the particular Nyingma sub-lineage relating to the donor of the religious work of art and secondly to the training and preferences of the artist.

The first painting example above is very st
铜色山(莲师极乐净土) III
铜色山(莲师极乐净土) I
铜色山(莲师极乐净土) II