检索到 特殊佛陀-三十五佛(Thirty-five Confession Buddhas) 本尊34位



The Sutra of the Three Heaps, in Sanskrit the Triskhandhadharmasutra, or briefly the Triskandha Sutra (phung po gsum pa'i mdo), is a Mahayana ritual text used primarily by monks and nuns for the purpose of confession of downfalls which means transgressions against the vinaya and bodhisattva vows. The central object of worship is the Thirty-five Confession Buddhas, including Shakyamuni Buddha. The name of the sutra follows from the three principal sections of the text: 1) homage, 2) confession, and 3) and dedication. There are other texts on confession found in the various Mahayana Sutras however none of those appear to have any representations in Himalayan and Tibetan art. 


三十五佛 之 无爱子佛
三十五佛 之 花吉祥佛
三十五佛 之 梵光佛
三十五佛 之 莲光佛
三十五佛 之 宝吉祥佛
三十五佛 之 念吉祥佛
三十五佛 之 祥名遍传佛
三十五佛 之 顶幢佛
三十五佛 之 极其威镇佛
三十五佛 之 斗战胜佛
三十五佛 之 吉祥威镇佛
三十五佛 之 遍照庄严佛
三十五佛 之 宝莲佛
三十五佛 之 须弥山佛