不动明王,又称不动尊菩萨, “不动”,乃指慈悲心坚固,无可撼动,“明”乃智慧光明之意,“王”寓其可驾驭一切现象。与五方佛对应,有五大明王,不动明王为中央大日如来的忿怒化身。不动明王流传甚广,有多种形象。
Krodharaja Achala (English: the Immovable One, King of the Wrathful). Achala, also known as Krodha Chanda and Chanda Maharoshana, is a meditational deity in wrathful appearance. He is not a protector. There are however forms of Achala that are included in the Anuttarayoga groupings of the Ten Wrathful Ones. Explanations and descriptions for these deities including Achala are found in the Tantras such as Guhyasamaja, Hevajra, Chakrasamvara, Vajrabhairava, etc. In the context of these Tantras, and the Twelve Wrathful Ones, Achala is a protector deity as part of a group of protectors within a larger system, or cycle, of practice.