检索到 莲师-莲师八变-忿怒金刚(Dorje Drolo) 本尊6位

忿怒金刚(Guru Dorje Drolo):莲师降伏了奸臣之子,国王将其流放到尸陀林。他在不同的尸陀林中,为有缘的人与非人宣说了种种殊胜法门;对无缘的、对佛法有邪知邪见的鬼神,以忿怒金刚的形象全部降伏。

Dorje Drolo is a wrathful emanation of Padmasambhava, most often associated with the set of Eight Main Manifestations and the life story of Guru Rinpoche. He also functions as a guruyoga practice/meditational deity with at least fourteen different 'terma' traditions.

For the purpose of subduing daemons and spirits of Tibet and the surrounding Himalayan regions Padmasambhava, at the thirteen mountain retreats each known as the Tiger's Den (tagtsang), appeared as the wrathful Dorje Drolo. At many of these locations it is believed that Guru Rinpoche left impressions of his feet in the rocks. The Eight Manifestations of Padmasambhava belong to the Revealed Treasures (Tib.: ter ma) classification of teachings according to the Nyingma Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.

"In the experience of great bliss fiercely blazing with wrathful power,
Maroon in colour, holding a vajra and kila,
The two feet dancing expressively atop a tigress; 
Homage to Dorje Drolo." (Nyingma Liturgical verse).






《忿怒莲师与密智空行母》 本文来自郝文鑫先生(文殊金刚)的公众号:图像金刚乘教法史(或朋友圈)。

莲师八变之 忿怒金刚
莲师八变之 忿怒金刚
莲师八变之 忿怒金刚
莲师八变之 忿怒金刚 (骑象)