肤色红,一面二臂,右手执铁钩,左手以期克印执羂索,三只慧眼,发结顶髻;红丝肩披,织锦为裙,佩戴珍宝与蛇饰。怀中明妃增乐肤色红,一面二臂,三只慧眼;右手执铁钩,左手托宝瓶,左腿勾住阳体,右腿伸。二者皆处在智慧烈火之中。如若善受其教诫,精进修诵,禅益诸业,尤其有助于征服邪恶。嘎吾拉日大成就者传于瓦日译师,瓦日译师传入藏区 。
以上摘自《藏传佛教神明图谱 福神》P125
Takkiraja, King of Desire.
"...Mahakrodha Takkiraja with a body red in colour, like ruby, blazing with light like the disc of the sun. With one face, two hands and three eyes, the right holds aloft a hook to gather in the Three Realms, the left holds a noose to the heart in a wrathful gesture. Standing in a manner with the right leg drawn in and the left extended; having long hair tied in a top knot, adorned with jewels and snakes and wearing a red silk upper garment and various silks as a lower garment, in the lap is the mother, Sukha Bharati. With a body red in colour, one face, two hands and three eyes, the right is holding aloft a hook and the left holds a nectar filled vase and embraces the Father. The right foot is extended and the left in the manner of embracing the Father; adorned with jewel ornaments and a wearing a red silk upper garment and various silk lower garments. Both the Father and Mother stand in the middle of a blazing fire of pristine awareness." [Written by Ngorchen Konchog Lhundrup (1497-1557). sGrub Thabs Kun bTus, vol.8, folios 587-607. Translated September 1985].
Jeff Watt 2-2009