关于上师-格鲁-第穆仁波切-四世 拉旺丹贝坚赞
第穆仁波切-四世 拉旺丹贝坚赞(1631-1668)。于1653年陪同达赖5世进京警觐见顺治皇帝。 以上摘自《鲁宾精品集》P147 -------------------------------------------------- 4th Demo Rinpoche, Lhawang Geleg Gyaltsen (1631-1668). Demo Rinpoche was the most important teacher in the Chamdo area of east Tibet and accompanied the 5th Dalai Lama to Beijing in 1651. The inscriptions along each side of the central figure are verses of blessing composed by the 5th Dalai Lama. (See detail images). Jeff Watt 4-2002, rev: 7-2007